Campaign Mission
Oscar M. Telfair III
For Judge - Fort Bend 387th District Court
Telfair Mission
I am Oscar M. Telfair III, and I am a candidate to be the next Judge of the 387th District Court of Fort Bend County, Texas. After the passing of my Mother when I was 7 ½ years old, my sisters and I were raised by our elderly Godly Grandparents who worked tirelessly to instill in us strong Christian, moral, family, and ethical character. In addition to my Grandparents, my extended family [my village] of aunts, uncles, older cousins, community, and more importantly my church, stressed the importance of being community minded.
I have been for some time and continue to be involved in the betterment of the Fort Bend County community. For example, I have been a long-time member of the Missouri City NAACP and as a Fort Bend Family Promise Board of Trustees member; a working homeless initiative. During the Pandemic, I volunteered at over 40 food distributions for those in need, and at numerous Covid- 19 testing and vaccine sites.
I believe that my experience – 35 plus years as a practicing attorney; 29 as a family lawyer, my involvement in the community, and my faith; which has taught me the importance of showing compassion, makes me the best choice as the next Presiding Judge of the 387th District Court of Fort Bend County, Texas. Join me in in my quest to ensure that empathy, respect, and justice is afforded to every individual and family whose rights are affected in the 387th, be it child or adult.
My belief is that while the rule of law must be applied, championing stronger family values leads to stronger communities.

Oscar believes that his life experiences, education, strong moral character, integrity and legal training makes him the best choice to be your Judge in the 387th District Court of Fort Bend County, Texas.
Life Long Democrat
Oscar has been a life-long democrat, and looks forward to being your elected Judge of the 387th District Court of Fort Bend County, Texas. As a Fort Bend resident for more than 36 years, he looks forward to serving the community he has called home for so long.